Sunday, 25 March 2012

Physical Fitness Test Results- Analysis

Overall, I thought that my physical fitness test results were decent. My muscular endurance was for the most part above average, and a couple were even excellent. My flexibility was also pretty good with average to above average results. However, my coordination/ agility/ balance and explosive power were all just average, which isn't bad, but I would have liked to have seen better results, at least for agility; I personally don't think that co-ordination is as important as some of the other things. The thing I was most disappointed with overall were my beep test results; I got "fair" as a result, which I didn't think was very good for me. I do accept that although I can usually run for awhile, I can't run very quickly. Next time, though, I would like to try to do better in that and maybe a few of the other things that I only got "average" in.

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