Sunday, 25 March 2012

Physical Fitness Test Results- Analysis

Overall, I thought that my physical fitness test results were decent. My muscular endurance was for the most part above average, and a couple were even excellent. My flexibility was also pretty good with average to above average results. However, my coordination/ agility/ balance and explosive power were all just average, which isn't bad, but I would have liked to have seen better results, at least for agility; I personally don't think that co-ordination is as important as some of the other things. The thing I was most disappointed with overall were my beep test results; I got "fair" as a result, which I didn't think was very good for me. I do accept that although I can usually run for awhile, I can't run very quickly. Next time, though, I would like to try to do better in that and maybe a few of the other things that I only got "average" in.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Physical Fitness Test Results

Heart Rate
Lying down- 92
Sitting down- 80
Standing up- 108
After 9 minute run- 152
1 min rest- 136
2 min rest- 120
3 min rest- 96
4 min rest- 104

Explosive Power 
Vertical jump- 15 (Average)
Long jump- 179cm (Average)

Muscular Endurance
Push ups- 41 (Excellent)
Crunches- 27 (Excellent)
Chest raises- 32 (Average)
Side leg raises- 73 (Good)
Leg extensions- 39 (Very good)

Beep Test- 6.5 (Fair)

Sit and Reach- 12cm (Average)
Shoulder flexion- 49 (Very good)
Back extention- 76 (Excellent)

Wall toss- 21 (Average)

Agility run- 20.07 sec (Average)

Stork stand- 15sec (Average)

Body Type and Why

The 3 body types are:
Endomorph- Average to large frame with rounded appearance and larger percent body fat. Hips are usually larger, and legs may appear shorter in relation to body size.
Ectomorph- Lean, usually thin with a small frame and little muscle or fat. Long arms and legs in proportion.
Mesomorph- Low to average body fat, often muscular, average to large bone structure with well proportioned limbs, broad shoulders, and narrow hips.

My body type is mainly Mesomorph. I say this because I have average body fat for a female and I have a muscular build and average bone structure and I think I am well proportioned for the most part.

251Bfig1 Calorie and Carbohydrate Fat Loss – Part 3: Body Type and Macronutrients: “Eating for Your Body Type

Health Continuum

I would say that I am in the middle of the right side of the continuum, around education. I say this because I have moderate energy and no long lasting aches and pains, and no discernible illness but I think I am quite healthy. I eat well usually and exercise and like to learn about wellness.

Definition of Health

My definition of health is generally being physically fit and maintaining good nutrition through healthy eating. Also, being healthy as in not being sick or having any diseases. These are the only things that I think of; however, health can also be based on mental and social health, but when I think of being healthy I don't usually think about health that you can't see.