S. Be more proud of my accomplishments, I tend to be hard on everyone especially myself.
M. This is not a measurable goal; however, I still think that it is a good one for me.
A. This is an attainable goal that can be attained with a good mental state.
R. It is realistic, everyone has control over the way that they are/can be.
T. By the end the semester I hope to be better at this; after I have worked hard and hopefully achieved my ideal marks it will probably be easier for me to do this.
Fitness Goal:
S. My fitness goal is to stretch more. I already do some cardio and some muscle work, but I do not stretch very much at all, and this is also an important part of maintaining a fit and healthy body.
M. This is a measurable goal; I will be able to track flexibility.
A. This is an attainable goal, it should not be too difficult to work some stretching into my exercise.
R. It is realistic, because stretching is not a very hard thing to do.
T. By the end of the semester I hope to be better at this by doing more stretches when working out and running and building up better flexibility.
Nutritional Goal:
S. My nutritional goal is to eat a wider variety of foods. I feel like I already eat quite well, however I tend to eat the same things all the time.
M. This is a measurable goal; I can figure out what I eat right now, and then start adding things and then re-evaluating later.
A. This is an attainable goal, eating more different foods is not that much more effort.
R. It is realistic as well, because everyone has the potential to make their diet better.
T. By the end of the semester I hope to have expanded my variety and have eaten more different types of food. I can go shopping with my parents and encourage them to buy more things that we don't usually have, and eat different things that we have at home already and that I'm either too lazy to make or just don't particularly like.
Great goals. All address specific issues and you use the SMART goal method well. Being picky- you could list your overall goal statement first that is emphatic and motivational. and then further explain/check it against SMART.