Saturday, 16 June 2012

Article and Reflection

Article and Reflection

Article link:

The article that I chose was one that I found online about healthy eating. It provided healthy eating tips for planning a healthy diet and sticking to it. The main points of this article were these tips:
1. Set yourself up for success
2. Moderation is key
3. It's not just what you eat, it's how you eat it
4. Fill up on colorful fruits and vegetables
5. Eat more healthy carbs and whole grains
6. Enjoy healthy fats and avoid unhealthy fats
7. Put protein in perspective
8. Add calcium for strong bones
9. Limit sugar and salt

I thought that this article was a good one; it provided many tips however, as each of the main points above had a few smaller points off of that. However, it outlined almost everything you should do in order to have a healthy diet, and how to stick do it- as the title suggests. I thought that it gave a good description of the health benefits of the foods it suggested and why some things are better than others. It was straightforward in telling you what to add to your diet in terms of fats and whole grains and such, with examples of foods to choose. It seemed to be a lot of information in one place, however, which makes me think that people who read it would likely forget much of it by the time they got to the end, and some of what they had to say would hopefully be common sense for most people (such as eating fruits and vegetables). This is true, of course, but I feel like the article didn't need to expand on that as much, though it did give some examples of which to choose, which is useful. I found this article quite interesting, if not a big tedious, but it did a good job of breaking the information up (that is to say, it wasn't all in huge paragraphs that nobody would want to read). Images provided added interest that is important in capturing attention. Health is important, and I think this article did a good job of really putting that into perspective by introducing ways to maintain a healthy diet.

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