Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Mental/Emotional Health

My definition and mental and emotional health is the way that someone sees themselves/feels about themselves and how their daily activities and interactions make them feel. For example, if someone feels confident and happy with themselves and enjoys their life and what they do in it, I think they would have a good state of mental/emotional health, whereas someone who is self conscious and anxious and doesn't enjoy their life would be in a poor state of mental/emotional health.
Mental and emotional health is important because it can help people feel more ready to take on life, and they will likely be more healthy over and feel inclined to take good care of themselves because they feel good about themselves and want to continue to do that. People with good mental and emotional health will also probably be better at dealing with stressful and social situations because they will be in control of their emotions and will understand the consequences or value of things.
Ignoring your mental and emotional health can result in many health problems, such as depression. It will also make it difficult for someone to get jobs/make friends etc. because of low self esteem and lack of ability to deal with situations efficiently. Overall, poor mental and emotional health will result in a difficult life, whereas wellness in this area of health will result in a happier, healthier one.

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