Friday, 22 June 2012

Nutrition Poster

I figured how to upload my poster finally! Only thing is, it's sideways and I can't figure out how to flip it... Sorry about that, but here it is, haha.

Nutrition Assignment

Here's our Nutrition Assignment link!

Saturday, 16 June 2012


PPZ 30 Reflection

I liked this class a lot- I found it quite easy because there wasn't that much work to do, and what we did have to do was not that demanding. I also liked the fact that most of the days were spend at the YMCA, because I like the gym there, and I like to do my own thing at my own speed as opposed to being given a workout I have to do (like in normal gym class). There was nothing that I really didn't like; although I'm not a fan of watching all those videos about health and fitness, I see that they were used to convey necessary information, but I'm the kind of person who would prefer to read about it instead of watching a video about it. I did not really make that much progress in terms of my fitness, probably because I had been doing a lot of the stuff before I took the class, but it did give me an opportunity to make some changes to my workout- such as swapping my high weight low rep arm workouts for some more light weight high rep ones. I also learned how to use and started using some of the machines that I had never used before, so that was helpful. It also let me get what I needed to get done during school time, so I had more time for other things outside of class. I think if people had not been doing that much exercise on their own time before this class and they had actually put good effort into their workouts throughout the semester, they would have seen progress. I did get a couple of my maxes up, mainly just on the machines that I hadn't used before taking this class, because I was able to get my muscles used to them. I don't think I would do anything differently; I didn't particularly like that during the last couple weeks we had to do people's fitness blasts instead of doing our own workouts, but I understand why we had to do this. I would have liked to look at vitamins and minerals and what specific effects they have on internal systems, but with few in class days this would have been difficult to do. All in all I thought that this was a good and easy class and I enjoyed it. :)

Article and Reflection

Article and Reflection

Article link:

The article that I chose was one that I found online about healthy eating. It provided healthy eating tips for planning a healthy diet and sticking to it. The main points of this article were these tips:
1. Set yourself up for success
2. Moderation is key
3. It's not just what you eat, it's how you eat it
4. Fill up on colorful fruits and vegetables
5. Eat more healthy carbs and whole grains
6. Enjoy healthy fats and avoid unhealthy fats
7. Put protein in perspective
8. Add calcium for strong bones
9. Limit sugar and salt

I thought that this article was a good one; it provided many tips however, as each of the main points above had a few smaller points off of that. However, it outlined almost everything you should do in order to have a healthy diet, and how to stick do it- as the title suggests. I thought that it gave a good description of the health benefits of the foods it suggested and why some things are better than others. It was straightforward in telling you what to add to your diet in terms of fats and whole grains and such, with examples of foods to choose. It seemed to be a lot of information in one place, however, which makes me think that people who read it would likely forget much of it by the time they got to the end, and some of what they had to say would hopefully be common sense for most people (such as eating fruits and vegetables). This is true, of course, but I feel like the article didn't need to expand on that as much, though it did give some examples of which to choose, which is useful. I found this article quite interesting, if not a big tedious, but it did a good job of breaking the information up (that is to say, it wasn't all in huge paragraphs that nobody would want to read). Images provided added interest that is important in capturing attention. Health is important, and I think this article did a good job of really putting that into perspective by introducing ways to maintain a healthy diet.

SuperSize Me

Super Size Me- Reflection Questions

1. The lawsuit at the beginning of the documentary involved 2 teenage girls. It regarded them attempting to sue McDonald's because they stated that the fast food joint had contributed to their obesity, and that it was their fault, basically. The outcome of this was that the girls were not successful, McDonald's said that they should have known better than to eat their food all the time.

2. A calorie is a measurement of energy. In super size fries there are 610 calories. In the documentary, Morgan took in about 5,000 calories per day.

3. 1/2 gallon (2 litres) of soda = about 50 teaspoons of sugar!

4. Throughout the 30 days, some of Morgan's feelings/symptoms were:
-mood swings
-loss of sex drive                         

5. The amount of weight Morgan gained:
Week 1: 8.5 pounds
Week 2: 9 pounds
Week 3: -1 pounds
Week 4: 8 pounds
Total: 24.5 pounds (Final weight 210 pounds)

6. Nutritionists recommend that we eat fast food extremely sparingly, just once in a while.

7. At Morgan's final weigh in:
-His liver turned to fat and he was in danger of liver problems such as hardening of the liver
-His cholesterol went up 65 points
-He had gained almost 25 pounds
-His body fat % shot up from 11% to 18%
-He had a doubled risk of heart disease/failure
-He was experiencing depression and exhaustion
-His blood test results were not going back to normal as rapidly as the doctors had hoped they would
-He was told that he shouldn't eat fast food for a year after that!

Label Analysis

Label Analysis - Cereal and Snack Food

1. I chose to do Mini-Wheats Cereal (brown sugar flavour) by Kellogg's, and Chocolate Chip granola bars by President's Choice. 

2. The first 3 ingredients were:
Cereal- whole wheat, sugar, glycerin
Granola bars- rolled oats, sugar, wheat flakes

3. In the cereal, the only ingredient that I didn't recognize was something called BHT. I researched this and found that it was a not particularly health chemical additive called butylated hydroxytoluene.
In the granola bars, there were no ingredients that I didn't recognize.

4. For both products, there were no ingredients with the words "shortening" or "hydrogenated".

5. For the cereal, there was 2 percent fat, 5 grams of protein, and 15 percent carbs.
For the granola bars, there was 5 percent fat, 2 grams of protein, and 7 percent carbs.

6. The labels did specify the type of fat in the product and how much of each type there is. In the cereal there are no other fats in addition to the 2 percent fat (i.e. no saturated or trans fats). In the granola bars, there was an additional 1 gram of saturated fat (5%) and no trans fat. The amounts seem to add up to the total fat amount.

7. One serving of the cereal is 54 grams (20 biscuits), and there are 510 grams altogether in the box.
One serving of the granola bars (1 bar) is 28 grams, which is the same as what it says on the wrapper.

8. Cereal- 190 calories per serving
Granola bar- 120 calories per serving

9. The most calories come from carbohydrates in my products.

10. Yes, these labels are clear to me. The ingredients are not that complicated and they are easy to find, which goes for the nutrition facts as well. They are in the same "nutrition box" as on most products, therefore I could easily read them because it is presented in a form that I recognize.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Who Am I

I am Meryn Lobb. My favourite animal is a wolf, but I don't like dogs, I like kitties. I like English and health classes such as health and biology, because I enjoy learning about being healthy and things like genetics and animal systems. I am concerned with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, though sometimes it is difficult. I like to try to eat healthy and work out, but given the chance I would prefer to lay around and read and drink coffee, because I really like drinking coffee. I work in the health food section at Zehrs, which is not very exciting but I do enjoy learning about the different types of foods and which ones are better for you than others. In general I am pessimistic but I like being with other people usually, though sometimes I prefer to be alone. My favourite TV shows are modern family, parks and recreation, and community. I really like comedy which is why I like these shows, they are very funny. Something I think I am good at is piano, I have been playing since I was 3 and I am working on some grade 10 piano stuff. I like helping people do things that I know about, but I am not very patient and I would say that I am easily annoyed. I do not like maths and although I am not a science person I try my best in it because I want to be a dietitian so I can help other people achieve a better healthy lifestyle. Some things I do not like are amusement parks, camping (I like my comforts), and people that don't agree with me. I do like my family though sometimes I argue with them, and I love breakfast. THAT IS ALL :)

This is one of my favourite performances; I am learning this song, but not as fast!